WHMIS 2015 Train The Trainer Course


There are no prerequisite training programs required to participate in WHMIS 2015


Adequate size and space for all participants to effectively engage with the program materials and on-screen components.


No equipment is required

Room layout:

Enough size and space for all participants. All participants shall have adequate desk or table space for note writing and final examination.

Minimum class size:


Maximum class size:



  • Outline the responsibilities of the suppliers, employers and employees under WHMIS.
  • Recognize the WHMIS 2015 pictograms and associated dangers.
  • Understand the information required on the supplier and workplace labels and Safety Data Sheets.
  • Outline the procedures for dealing with safe use, storage, transfer and spills of hazardous products.

WHMIS 2015 Topics:

  • Overview of WHMIS, including legislation, education and training
  • Hazard classification
  • WHMIS 2015 labels
  • Communicating physical hazards
  • Communicating health hazards

WHMIS Acronym

WHMIS 2015 training serves to provide workers with the ability to answer the following questions for every hazardous product they work with:

  • What are the hazards of the product?
  • How do I protect myself from those hazards?
  • What do I do in case of an emergency?
  • Where can I get further information?


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize your duties and your employer’s duties
  • Recall what is indicated by hazard classes and hazard categories
  • Identify the types of hazards indicated by the pictograms
  • Interpret hazard information on WHMIS labels
  • Locate information in a safety data sheet

WHMIS Pictograms

Program Outline:

Program Element Materials & Methods Evaluation
Introduction and objectives lecture
In this course, we will describe the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System – WHMIS – and how to affectively apply it at your workplace.

WHMIS 2015 is aligned with the new worldwide standard, the Global Harmonization System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (or GHS).

You will learn this system’s rules and formats for managing hazardous products.

The systems described in this training are required federally and enforced in each province or territory by jurisdictional labour ministries.

Flipchart / whiteboard
Basic hazards and control   Discussion
WHMIS 2015 Pictograms Handouts + ppt Discussion
Supplier and Workplace Labels Ppt Discussion
Safety Data Sheets Handouts Discussion
Safe Use, Storage and Transfer Ppt Discussion
Spill and Leak Procedures Ppt Discussion
Conclusion Ppt Discussion
Practical Presentation
Handout / Participant Presentation Graded Quiz and Practical Evaluation

To order your course or to simply learn more through a conversation with us please feel free to call us at (905) 821-8928.