Lift Truck Operator Training Program


Participants should be familiar with the in-house equipment, work area, and equipment in the client’s shop


Computer, projector, screen, flipchart or whiteboard

Clear area in the shop for vehicle hand-on demonstration


One of each type of lift truck being used

Room layout:

Horseshoe with front table

Minimum class size:


Maximum class size:



  • All employees will be aware of the approved policies, their basic contents and where to find them for reference.
  • Participants will be aware of the need for risk assessment associated with their jobs prior to operating a lift truck.
  • All participants will be familiar with the equipment and procedures and will demonstrate safe techniques in inspecting and operating a lift truck.
  • All participants will be familiar with the equipment and procedures for re-fuelling or re-charging lift trucks, including the hazards and proper handling of propane and batteries.

Expected Outcomes:

  • To provide employees with an overview of the role, responsibilities, rights and obligations contained in the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the regulations regarding lift truck operation.
  • To provide an overview of the policy and programs of the employer that relates to lift trucks.
  • To instruct operators in the proper care, use and inspection of lift trucks.
  • To have participants demonstrate a proper inspection and use of a lift truck on client-provided equipment.

Lift Truck Operator

Program Outline:

Time Allocation Program Element Materials & Methods Evaluation
5 Minutes Introduction and objectives Lecture  
10 Minutes Overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
– Duties of workplace parties
– Worker rights
– Penalties for non-compliance
Flipchart / whiteboard
10 Minutes Ontario regulations and the CSA standard    
5 Minutes Accident causes, awareness and case studies Ppt Discussion
10 Minutes Vehicle types and components Ppt  
20 Minutes Vehicle physics
– Centre of gravity
– Capacity
– Lateral and longitudinal stability
– Operating at height
Ppt & handout Discussion & input
15 Minutes Load centres, attachments and vehicle capacity Ppt Discussion
10 Minutes Safe operating procedures trucks and ramps Ppt Discussion
15 Minutes Equipment inspection
– Manual
– Pre-use visual and operational inspection
– Annual check decal
– Hazard decals and capacity limits
  Power sources
– Internal combustion
– – Gas and diesel
– – Propane
– Battery operated
Ppt Discussion
10 Minutes Quiz Quiz Quiz
  Break and hands-on setup    
As necessary Practical with hands-on client equipment -demonstrate proper inspection and operation of in-house equipment In-house Equipment Participation & demonstration
Total 2 hours in class + practical for each participant    

To order your course or to simply learn more through a conversation with us please feel free to call us at (905) 821-8928.