The Ontario Ministry of Labour enforces the Occupational Health and Safety Act Regulation for Industrial Establishments (Regulation 851) and requires that companies have rack certifications.
Warehouse racking is used across the province in warehouse, storage and distribution facilities. If your facility has material handling equipment and pallet racking, it is crucial that your company ensures the safety of their employees while working around them. A major part of ensuring your workers safety can be accomplished through making sure your warehouse racking is inspected regularly and effectively for any damages, and by having a racking PSR (Pre-Start Health and Safety Certificate) issued by a qualified engineer. A rack PSR will provide the necessary load capacity certification and ensure your pallet racking is safe for every day use. H.E.L.P. Safety Services provides a range of racking and storing services including PSRs, inspections and providing instruction to staff members regarding safe practices and conducting effective internal inspections of the racking systems.