Safety Management To Bring Your Company Into Safety Compliance

On-Site Safety Coordinator
Safety compliance requirements have become more stringent for construction sites and industry. If you don’t have a health and safety manager on staff we provide safety management services to help you stay compliant and reduce workplace accidents. Safety management is often outsourced to one of our safety coordinators here at H.E.L.P Safety Services. We can provide contractor safety management and safety management services for your internal personnel.
Keep your workers safe and maintain compliance when our health and safety manager provides training and safety audits that reduce injuries and manage risk on your sites.
Choose The Safety Management Services Best Suited To Your Needs
Full Time Safety Management Services:
We provide an on-site health and safety manager to bring your organization into full compliance with corporate and legislative requirements. This program provides short-term intervention to bring your program and/ or your contractor safety management program to safety compliance status as quickly as possible. You get a health and safety audit, training, recommendations and a detailed action plan to transition to your internal staff or to our part time safety management services.
Part Time Safety Management Services:
This program provides audits and safety reviews daily, weekly or monthly, proportionate to your desired rate of improvement and your compliance status. Our safety coordinator’s objective in this program is to gradually transition the task to your internal management for maintaining safety compliance.
Some Of Our Safety Services Include:
- Compliance audits and safety reports
- WSIB claims management and coordination
- Contractor safety management
- Process and/or job hazard analysis
- Assist supervision with preparation and implementation of safe work procedures
- Update and revise current H&S Program content to reflect corporate and legislative changes
- Participate in and revitalize Joint Health and Safety Committee activities and functions
- Update and maintain appropriate H&S training records, postings and required documentation
- Conduct incident investigations and report on same
- Liaise with the management team to ensure projects meet applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal standards
- Identification, development and coordination of Health and Safety training
- Conduct limited training, as appropriate
Take Action Now:
Contact us to learn how quickly and economically one of our health and safety managers can help bring your organization into full safety compliance.
Use our VIP contact form to help us to direct your inquiry to the right person. All information provided will be kept in strict confidence and is never shared. If you prefer, you are welcome to call us at (905) 821-8928.