When you invest in the development of a safety program for your business, you are taking a proactive approach to reducing the risk of injury, lost time, and production within your workplace. We at H.E.L.P. Safety Services will respond to any requests for compliance services, no matter how specific or indefinite.
Where a company already has a health and safety program in place, H.E.L.P. Safety Services is able to conduct an audit or gap analysis, of your current program and review its effectiveness, its status of compliance with the Act and current Regulations, as well as identify gaps in program development, implementation, and training. After identifying gaps and areas for potential improvement, we will work with your organization to establish a corporate compliance benchmark, recommendations for compliance and a prioritized compliance action plan to get you where you want to be!
Auditing is also available for health and safety management systems (e.g. COR), or in conjunction with environmental audits.